The Body Healer
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Salads are the most versatile of meals.  They can be small and eaten as an appetizer, or they can be eaten as a main meal.  They can be eaten as a dessert when filled with a selection of fruits and sweet veggies, or used as a filling for wraps.

While many of us associate the word "salad" with "healthy," in the standard American diet, the opposite has become much more typical.  Healthy salads quickly turn into unhealthy, high fat, dense foods that rob us of our energy and degrade our health.  Let's talk about what the main ingredients of a healthy salad should be and what to avoid completely.  Then, we'll check out some exciting combinations of foods and flavors we can create.

One More Thing

Make sure your produce is ripe when you eat it, or it will be lower in nutritional value and more difficult for your body to digest.  Wherever possible, choose organic produce over conventional.  Here's why...

Fun Combo Ideas

When it comes to making a salad, have fun mixing and matching your favorite veggies together.  Mixing in fruits and dried fruits and trying different combinations of herbs and spices is a great way to make a salad more flavorful and tasty.  Experiment and see what tantalizes your taste buds!