The Body Healer

Doing Raw Right

Raw Food Living - Doing Raw Right

Fresh, raw veggies high in antioxidantsWhen it comes to a diet of raw foods, it is very important to take the time to understand how to do raw right.  

Just as with other diets and diet philosophies, if you do not educate yourself on how to eat the right food types in a balanced manner, then you can quickly get yourself into trouble.  Many people who try raw living are not able to sustain it because of the 4 most common pitfalls (see below).

What Is A Raw Food Diet

There are many incorrect assumptions about what a raw food diet is (and they are often made by nutritionists and dietitians who are not educated on the subject).  Read more about how a raw food diet is NOT a vegetarian or vegan diet unless you choose for it to be.  In fact, raw cheese is a very common food in raw food living, as is sushi.  Also, raw food living is about eating a diet that is predominantly raw food - over 75% - not "militantly" adhering to 100% raw unless that is your personal choice.

Learn about raw food living...

On a raw food diet, your eating habits will change drastically.  This is an extremely nutrient dense diet with health benefits that cannot be surpassed by any other diet.  It is used by clinics to treat terminally ill patients and restore them back to health, and in many cases has the power to restore the body from serious chronic diseases.

Doing raw right is not complicated.  You just need the right tools, know how to transition, avoid the common pitfalls, and supplement ONLY if necessary.  

Are you ready to explore raw food living?  Great!  Then let's get started...

Raw Food Kitchen Tools

The Ninja BlenderLiving the raw food lifestyle can be as easy or as time consuming as you like.  Because of the lack of cooking, many raw food dishes are easy to prepare (think chopped salads, whole fruits, avocado/sprouts/raw cheese wraps, smoothies, and fresh juices).   The statement some people make that "food prep time is totally impractical" are made by those who are ignorant and uneducated about raw food living.

Those who like more variety and have the time, dehydrate, sprout, or ferment foods.  Even though this can be more time-consuming, it is done in bulk and the foods last for an extended period of time.

For those who enjoy cooking, "uncooking" gourmet meals can turn into a very exciting and creative experience.  All it takes is a little education to understand that the most incredible salad dressings can be made from blending just a few raw food ingredients, and that raw food desserts can taste so amazing that they easily surpass the tastiest piece of cheesecake or mouth-watering cake you have ever eaten.  The best slice of birthday cake I have ever had in my life was at a raw food retreat in Colorado, where a gourmet chef prepared a dessert that literally put me into a state of ecstasy!  Never would I have believed this was a raw dessert if I had not witnessed it being made myself.

Let's take a look at a few kitchen supplies you will need:

Chopping Essentials

A chopping board and a high quality, sharp knife is a must to slice and dice veggies, especially some of the denser ones such as beets, winter squashes, and jicama, and the ones with dense outer skins such as pineapples.

Blender/Food Processor

Ninja Prep ProfessionalThese are used to blends fruits and vegetables into smoothies, and to also make purees.  Some can also turn nuts into nut butter.  Some also act as a food processor and can shred, pulverize, grind, and chop.

There are many blenders on the market, some affordable and some very expensive.  It is not at all necessary to spend $300+ on a top-of-the-line blender, but you do need something powerful enough to blend smoothly.  

Breville, Vitamix, and Blendtec are great options, but they are pricey.  One of my favorite affordable blenders is the Ninja food prep set, which contains a blender, and acts as a basic food processor for chopping or pureeing food - all for under $60!  They make several different products, including a blender (pictured above), and "Master Prep Professional" (pictured right) that has various container sizes food processing.


These are used primarily to make fresh fruit and veggie juices.  These days, juicers are available from everywhere and range from $50 all the way up to $200+.  Some do the basic juicing of fruits and veggies, whereas others can also juice wheatgrass.  Let's take a look at the 3 most common types of juicers on the market:

  1. Most juicers available are "centrifugal juicers" which do the job quickly and efficiently.  They have a wide spout to push the produce into, and process a lot of juice in a very short amount of time.  Most are also easy to clean, and are more reasonably priced than masticating juicers.

  2. Masticating/cold press juicers chew up the produce to a greater degree, extracting more juice and fiber.  Some can also grind nuts to make nut milks.  Juicing leafy greens such as spinach in a centrifugal juicer will yield very little juice, whereas a masticating juicer will be able to break down the spinach more thoroughly and extract more juice.  Juicing using a masticating juicer is a much slower process, but the yield is greater.  They can be very pricey.

  3. Wheatgrass juicers are made exclusively for extracting juice from wheatgrass and other leafy greens.  Some masticating juicers can also juice wheatgrass.

Hamilton Beach Big Mouth ProFor those who do not like to spend a lot of time juicing (like me!), then a centrifugal juicer is for you.  You may take a hit on the amount of juice extracted, but it is not a very significant amount and the time-saving factor can be significant.  At a recent raw food retreat, I used their Champion brand juicer.  And while I could absolutely appreciate the greater degree of juice extracted, not only did I have to cut up my veggies and fruits into much smaller pieces to fit them into the opening, but the machine itself was much slower at juicing than my centrifugal juicer.  Making my juice took at least 2-3 times longer!  

For me, the time-saving factor with my centrifugal juicer was the deciding point.  I have owned several juicer brands, from Jack Lalane to Breville to Hamilton Beach.  My favorite is my Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Pro - to top it off, it's only $60 on Amazon.  I can chop, juice, and clean the juicer in under 5 minutes.

Spiralizer (optional, but recommended)

Paderno SpiralizerThis is not only a fun kitchen tool, but it is also easy to use and very inexpensive - under $40!  

A spiralizer quickly turns all your favorite veggies into long strands of "veggie pasta" that can then be mixed with your favorite sauces (pesto and marinara anyone?).  Common veggies to spiralize include zucchini, carrots, beets, and jicama.  

My favorite is the Paderno spiralizer, which comes with 3 different blades to make different sized spirals, and is made from BPA-free plastic that simply suctions to your counter.  It is very easy to use, does the job quickly, and the chopping blades pop right into your dishwasher.  Best of all, it is far lighter and healthier than a plate full of heavy grain-based pasta.

Dehydrator (optional)

Although fresh food is always best, dehydrating foods offers more variety in terms of taste textures and types of snacks.  Foods commonly dehydrated are fruits, veggies, nuts/seeds, and a mixture of different raw foods pureed and then spread out on dehydrating trays to create crackers and wraps.  Dried fruits can be eaten as snacks, or they can be soaked and blended into various desserts and smoothies.

Excalibur dehydratorDepending on how long you dehydrate for, the food can be crunchy, crispy, or chewy.  You can also create the semblance of "marinated veggies" by mixing them in your favorite sauce and reducing the typical dehydrating time.   For example, slicing up button mushrooms and tossing them in nama shoyu (unpasteurized soy sauce), or mixing with nutritional yeast and apple cider vinegar before dehydrating for 2 hours gives the mushrooms a lovely marinated and juicy texture.

There are several different brands of dehydrators on the market that offer varying temperatures and options (such as a built-in timer) to dehydrate foods.  They are either square or round, and work by slowly drying foods at very low temperatures.  The most popular brand is the Excalibur, which is available with either 4 trays5 trays, or 9 trays.

Even though dehydrators can be on the expensive side, they are workhorses that can prepare a large amount of food at one time.  Some raw foodists consider it indispensable, whereas others do not use them at all.  The drawback of food dehydration is that it can take a long time, with time frames for some foods often in excess of 20 hours.  This means that if you are dehydrating foods for a gathering or party, advance planning is required.

Sprouting Jars (optional)

Sprouting at homeSprouting at home is optional, but it is so easy and fun to learn that it is well worth it!  Sprouts are considered superfoods because they are packed with nutrition such as high quality protein and protective compounds.  All you need are some mason jars, 3% hydrogen peroxide, and a selection of organic seeds for sprouting.  

Learn about:

  • The different types of seeds available.
  • How to sprout seed, including legumes.
  • Food safety & sprouting

Sprouting at home...

Easing Into the Raw Food Lifestyle

For many people, transitioning to a diet of raw foods can be very challenging, especially if attempting an "all-or-nothing" approach.  Easing into it is very important so that you can give your body the time it needs to adjust.  There is no rule that says you should rigidly adhere to 100% raw, and I do not recommend it.  A predominantly raw diet, with the addition of some lightly cooked foods is not only perfectly acceptable, it is the best and healthiest way to go.  There are some vegetables that should NOT be eaten raw as the cooking process makes them much more digestible.

Here are 10 important tips to help smooth the pathway to raw living:

  1. Ease into it
    It can be difficult in the beginning to adjust to a raw food diet cold turkey.  Making some simple transitional steps can help ease you into it:
    -  Choose one meal a day that is 100% raw, such as a breakfast filled with a variety of fresh, raw fruits, or a fruit smoothie with a handful of leafy greens such as kale or spinach.
    -  At each meal, aim to have at least 50% of the meal as raw, for example, a large, mixed salad.
    -  Use the crowding out philosophy.  Each week, aim to increase the amount of raw foods, while slowly decreasing the amount of cooked foods.

  2. Antioxidant-rich fruits & veggiesPick rainbow foods
    Build your food foundation on fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables that are the most nutrient-dense foods on earth.    These foods are filled with antioxidants that help cleanse and detoxify the cells and tissues of the body.

    Enjoy a wide variety of colors that are especially high in antioxidant value, such as:

    Purples (Eggplant, beets, blueberries, blackberries, figs)
    Reds (Tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, raspberries)
    Yellows (Lemons, bell peppers, tomatoes, pineapple, banana)
    Greens (All the leafy greens, including lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, cabbage)
    Oranges (Bell peppers, apricots, oranges, tomatoes, peaches, pumpkin, carrots)

    Learn more about the power of antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory foods in the Body Healer protocol.

  3. Prepare the same foods differently
    Look for different ways to make the same food.  For example, a zucchini can be either chopped, spiralized into "pasta," or shredded and then mixed with a raw pesto sauce.  It can also be added to a fruit/veggie smoothie or juice, or sliced and mixed with your favorite seasonings and dehydrated for 2 hours for a "marinated" taste.

  4. Moderate fatty food intake
    Fatty foods such as avocados, olives, raw nuts, and seeds provide protein, essential fatty acids, and trace minerals.  But they should never be eaten in excess.  Aim for 10% of your diet (a small handful of nuts, or a 1/2 avocado) each day to contain these yummy foods.  Eat high fat raw food desserts in small quantities.

    Avoid adding liquid fats to your foods unless in very, very small quantities - it is completely unnecessary.  Liquid flax seed, coconut, or other oils are fractionated products that have been extracted from their original whole food and what remains is 100% pure fat.  These fats may be healthy, but they will not have the same impact on the body as they would have as part of their original whole food, and it is easy to overeat them, so limit your intake of these extracted fats.

  5. Choose sprouted grains over non-sprouted grains
    Consider eating sprouted grains and legumes such as kamut, spelt, and rye, which can be sprouted and added to salads.  Pseudo grains such as quinoa and buckwheat can also be sprouted.  Wild rice can be "bloomed" in a dehydrator.  Sprouted grains and legumes are nutritious foods that contain protein, iron, zinc, and other trace minerals.

  6. Soak nuts & seeds before eating them
    Soaking raw nuts and seeds overnight improves their digestibility, as the soaking helps to activate their enzymes, and deactivate enzyme inhibitors.

  7. Adjust to how the weather makes you feel
    Raw foods have an inherently cooling effect on the body, which can make it a difficult diet to sustain in colder climates and in winter months.  Include more lightly cooked vegetables and sprouted grains during this time.

  8. Supplement ONLY if needed
    Only take supplements if you are found to be deficient, rather than simply taking them because you think you "may" need them.  On a healthy diet, your need for supplements should be close to zero.  Having said that, the two common deficiencies are vitamin B12 and/or Vitamin D3.  Take them only if a test reveals you are deficient, and then stop taking them when optimal levels have been restored.  Diet that recommends supplements on a daily basis often do so because they are nutritionally deficient.

  9. Some foods should be cooked
    There are certain foods which, once cooked, are much more easily digestible.  Cooking helps break down plant cell walls in some vegetables to increase their nutrient availability.  These foods include cooked beans, legumes, and some dense veggies.  When cooking vegetables, lightly steam or boil them in stainless steel and serve while they are still crunchy.  If boiled, make sure that you use the cooking water as it is filled with minerals leached from the foods (or mix it in with your pups food for a nutritional boost!).

  10. Avoid talking about raw foods with those not interested
    Refrain from discussing your diet with people who have no interested in raw foods, or who are intent on convincing you that a raw food lifestyle is not a healthy one.  It is a very healthy diet when approached correctly.  Countless individuals have recovered from chronic and debilitating diseases living the raw food lifestyle, and no studies have proven that fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains are "bad for our health."  On the contrary, the standard American diet is the quickest path to chronic disease that you will find.

Check out our recipes section where you'll find a great selection of salads, appetizers, dips, and desserts that are 100% raw!

The Body Healer Recipes...

Avoid the 4 Most Common Pitfalls

Many people who begin a raw food diet find it very difficult, and quickly give up.  Others eat an unhealthy version of the diet and end up suffering from some of the same health consequences as those on an unhealthy processed and refined diet, due to a lack of education on how to successfully eat raw foods.  Many put on weight due to the high-fat content.  

If you are ready to take the leap into raw food living, here are the 4 biggest pitfalls to watch out for:

Supplement Only If Necessary

By giving your body a continuous supply of raw foods in your diet, you will have a far superior nutritional advantage.  If done correctly, a healthy raw food diet filled with at least 75% antioxidant and nutrient rich fruits and vegetables should require little to no supplementation, especially when organic.  

Do not fall for the hype preached by any raw food websites, or raw food guru that tell you to pop an array of expensive supplements and powders.  You will quickly go broke on your way to getting healthy, and it is completely unnecessary.  Come cleanses and detox diets are notorious for requiring supplements (often their own brand) with the claim these supplements are necessary.  They are not.  Like liquid oils, supplements are fractionated products where specific nutrients have been extracted.  Many are also synthetic and have a different biological impact on the body as compared to their natural counterpart.

A diet, cleanse, or detox that requires supplements
is a diet that does so because it is nutritionally deficient

Having said that, there are two notable exceptions:

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 comes from bacteria from the food we eat, and is produced internally by our bodies.  It is also efficiently recycled in the body and can last over 2 years in a healthy adult without requiring direct dietary sources.  But in this day and age, with the depletion of our soils and the pollution of our planet, non-organic plant foods are no longer considered a reliable source of B12.  A deficiency is now common in meat eaters, vegetarians, vegans, and raw foodists alike, but more common in vegans.  

Although many raw foodists receive plenty of vitamin B12 from a raw diet (more so with organic foods where this nutrient has not been destroyed by pesticides), studies consistently demonstrate that raw food vegans are more deficient in B12.  The recommended levels are >400pg/ml, with raw vegans averaging <100-200pg/ml.

Vitamin D

Depending on the climate you live in and how much year-round sunlight you are exposed to, vitamin D supplementation may be required.  Vitamin D is a common deficiency, especially in northern countries such as Canada, the northern US, and northern Europe.  The continual application of sunscreen can also block vitamin D absorption and cause a deficiency, even for those living in sunnier climates.  Studies are also finding that the toxic chemicals in these sunscreens are far more likely to contribute to skin cancer than the sun itself.

Studies have shown that Vitamin D is just as effective,
if not more so, than the controversial flu vaccine.

When it comes to supplements, avoid self-diagnosing.  If your diet is varied and healthy, you should never need to take daily supplements, especially multi-vitamins.  Instead, monitor your levels of these nutrients in your body by taking a simply yearly test, and ONLY take supplementation if you are deficient.  Otherwise, they are a waste of your money.  At best, high quality supplements should be used only to help resolve a health issue, and then be discontinued when they are no longer needed.

Make sure the supplements you choose are from whole foods, and from a reputable manufacturer (preferably in raw form).  There are several very commonly manufactured synthetic supplements such as folic acid and vitamin A that have been conclusively shown in health studies to be damaging to your health. 

The Body Healer ProtocolExplore the Body Healer Protocol to learn about:
-  Vitamin B12 & the best sources
-  Vitamin D for health & flu prevention
-  Why supplements are not the holy grail
-  Why you should avoid common synthetic supplements




The SAD (S)tandard (A)merican (D)iet

The SAD (S)tandard (A)merican (D)iet

The standard American diet (SAD) for many Americans is a sad one indeed.  Over 90% of the diet consists of junk, with the healthy food relegated to decorations and garnishments on the plate.  Obesity is now an epidemic, and this weight gain correlates with the rise of many diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. 

Fried chicken & fries

Food corporations and their savvy marketing tactics encourage people to overeat, offering food that directly conflicts with what is best for their health with the excuse that what a person chooses to eat is a matter of personal responsibility and certainly not the fault of the food corporations.  The fact that their deceptive labeling techniques are created to deliberately misguide consumers seems to be lost on them (did you know that "natural flavoring" can be comprised of over 50 different chemicals combined to create a variety of anything but "natural flavors"?).  The courts generally rule in favor of food companies favoring "free speech," even when many supposed "health foods" have mostly processed ingredients with only one or two ingredients in tiny quantities that are healthy.

Why do Americans spend more money on healthcare than Japan, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina combined, and yet are much sicker?  Because we have a medical system that medicates you with pills, and a government that subsidizes food that is unhealthy while providing no education on what to eat and what not to eat.  People are getting heavier, sicker, and hopelessly dependent on medication to put band-aids on problems that are never addressed.

What Happened?

What exactly happened to create such a catastrophic downfall where 1 in 3 people or overweight, 1 in 4 people suffer from diabetes, and 1 in 5 people will die of cancer?  Let's take a look at the 12 things that food industrialization has done to destroy a healthy food chain:

Why Many Americans Choose the SAD Diet

They Are Unaware of the Health Consequences
Many consumers choose the SAD diet because they are completely unaware of just how unhealthy it is.  They do not make the correlation between the dramatic increase in chronic diseases and the industrialization of our food chain.  They are unaware that the top 3 killer diseases (diabetes, heart disease, and obesity) are all entirely preventable by simply making different dietary choices.  Most processed junk food is high in unhealthy fat, high in sugar and salt, low in fiber, and contains excess condiments such as butter, mayonnaise, dressings, mustard, and ketchup which themselves are highly chemicalized and/or high in calories.  To add insult to injury, it is devoid of healthy nutrition.

Deep down, the average American may know that their food choices are not the best, but they are genuinely unaware that their chances of developing a chronic disease or illness rises exponentially on such a diet.  Sadly, the realization often sets in only when they or those they love become sick, and when the damage can sometimes be irreversible.

They Fall Prey to Irresistible Advertising
Americans have a tendency to trust food packaging to be honestly advertised, and assume that their government would protect them from dangers in their food supply.  But many food corporations routinely lie on their package labeling, and lax labeling laws do little to protect the American public.  Some of the chemicals in American food are so unhealthy that they are banned by governments in other countries.  Even though our food habits are the biggest contributing factor to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, the government is not stepping up to the plate to educate and promote a healthy lifestyle free of processed and chemicalized food.  On the contrary, it freely allows it.

Unfortunately, millions of people are exploited every day through irresistible advertising from food companies.  The ads can have a very powerful psychological effect on the viewer, and some chemicals (excitotoxins) in the foods are made to create biochemical and physiological addictions.  We eat when we are not hungry and are constantly encouraged by advertisements to eat more.  

In a win-win for the food and pharmaceutical giants, the junk food market provides the food, which in turn contributes to the chronic diseases, which in turn keeps the pharmaceutical companies in business and America a medicated nation. 

They Assume Only Fast Food Is Junk FoodBurgers, fries, sodas & fried dessert
Many Americans mistakenly assume that if they do not eat "fast food," then they are not on a junk food diet.  But junk food is not just from fast food joints.  It consists of ALL FOOD that is heavily processed and refined.  Canned, pre-packaged and frozen foods that are highly refined and contain chemicals, additives, artificial colorings and flavorings, hydrogenated oils, and refined ingredients such as sugar and bleached flour - all junk.  Junk foods are the majority of foods sold in typical supermarkets.  Diet drinks, sodas, pasteurized milk-based drinks and fruit drinks are also loaded with added sugar and artificial chemicals - junk.  The only way to get away from them is to eat fresh foods, and if you buy packaged foods, then read the ingredient lists very carefully.

They Do not Realize It Is Addictive
Processed junk food is filled with highly addictive and stimulating flavors, sugars, and caffeine content.  These addictive excitotoxins are great at hooking us in.  They are the foods eaten at a football game, around a campfire, at parties, or the movies.  Like recreational drugs, junk foods are recreational foods that we also come to associated with fun times.  It becomes easy to see why we are chemically addicted.

They Are Unaware They Are Undernourished
The irony is that the typical American is overfed, but very undernourished.  The SAD diet contains very few fresh foods, with some Americans eating none at all.  It is high in the bad stuff, and completely lacking in all the healthy stuff such as vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.  It is also caffeine and alcohol rich, and water poor.  

It is Cheap & Convenient
Unhealthy food is cheaper to produce and has a high profit margin, which means cheaper for the consumer, which unfortunately makes it more appealing to those on a budget.  It is also convenient and requires a few minutes in the microwave, or can be eaten right from a container.

SAD & the High-Stress American Lifestyle

The American culture encourages a lifestyle that is compulsive, rushed, competitive, eat-on-the-go, high-stressed and high-paced, demands instant gratification, and expects large portions.  Food is often gulped down rather than chewed and enjoyed.  Those not suffering the effects of their unhealthy food choices are often hooked on alcohol, tobacco, or drugs because they are so overwhelmed by their stressful lifestyle.  It is easier to collapse in a heap in front of the TV.  For others, there is no time to slow down - no time to simply stop.  Many jump on the computer to either continue working, or play computer games all evening when they get home.  Video games are now a class of addiction that has become a primary topic in family/divorce counseling.

Somewhere along the way, moderation fell by the wayside.  Stress levels have created a generation addicted to anti-anxiety and insomnia medications.  Sleeping and eating disorders have become par for the course, and eating a diet of junk food is a serious eating disorder.  When we have a normal, healthy relationship with food, we digest and eliminate our food easily and with no digestive discomfort.  In contrast, those who eat junk and/or are high stressed are bloated, thirsty, and suffer from acid indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, and other gastrointestinal disorders.  These discomforts are so common that Tums and Rolaids are now a household name.  

Digestive issues are NOT normal!
They are a sign of an internal imbalance.

Compared to other cultures where there is a strong family and community dynamic that offers an emotional, spiritual, and psychological support system, many Americans are more socially isolated and disconnected from their families and suffer dysfunctional family dynamics.  Many steer clear of neighbors and avoid eye contact with strangers.  The sense of isolation and loneliness can be debilitating for some.

Sickness or Health:  It's Your Choice

There is no doubt about the link between diet and disease.  Your diet can influence your long-term health more than any other action you can take.  Eating a healthier diet will not just help create a healthier body, help prevent disease, and make you feel like you are on a natural high.  It also will save you thousands in the long run due to the lack of healthcare needs and medications (many of which are very toxic and can contribute to secondary conditions worse than the condition they are treating).  It is only once we understand that the long-term cost of a bad diet is our health and longevity, that we can begin to make important changes.

The food corporations have no interest in creating a healthier food supply, so the change must start with each and every one of us.  It begins with the choices we make.  When people are educated about how important nutrition is to their health, they become inspired, enlightened, and empowered to make a difference at every check-out counter in every food store by changing the foods they buy.  It is simply a matter of supply and demand.  What we demand will be supplied because food manufacturers are in business for a profit and to keep the customer satisfied.  When more and people demand natural and organic foods, food manufacturers and stores respond by providing more and more of them.  Slowly but surely, it is happening all across the nation in even the biggest supermarket chains.



Learn more about how the powerful for-profit food and pharmaceutical giants are getting richer at the direct expense of the health and well-being of the American public.




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Disclaimer:  All content posted on this website is commentary or opinion of The Body Healer, LLC., unless otherwise noted, and is protected under Free Speech.  The information on this website is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is intended as a sharing of knowledge based on the research and experience of The Body Healer. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or professional advice of any kind.  The Body Healer encourages you to make your own healthcare decisions based on the advice of your qualified healthcare practitioner in partnership with your own research.  The Body Healer assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material, and is not responsible for written commentary of any contributing authors.  Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms.  All trademarks, registered trademarks and service marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.