The Body Healer
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Childhood Vaccinations

Childhood vaccinationsIt has become one of the hottest and most controversial topics, with both sides embattled in heated and compelling arguments for and against.  The fact that both side are correct on the important points does not help.

Hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions to vaccines have been reported to the federal government.  Since 1988, the government has awarded compensation to more than 1,300 families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines, totaling more than $2 billion in payouts.  Obviously, vaccinations can and do have health consequences on those that receive them.

Vaccines have saved lives
Vaccines have caused serious health issues
(including brain damage and death)

Vaccines can have no (apparent) side effects
Vaccines can have serious & devastating side effects

In the US, Children Are Over-Vaccinated

"Today, children receive 69 doses of 16 vaccines before the age of 6, the highest amount given in any country worldwide."

CDC - Centers for 
Disease Control

Regardless of which side of the vaccination fence you sit on, one thing is very clear.  In the US, children are the most over-vaccinated in the world.  They are also the most chronically ill and disabled, suffering far more childhood illnesses than other children worldwide.  

35 years ago, 7 vaccines were given to infants and children.  Today, children who follow the schedule recommended for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) receive 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the time they have reached 6 yrs old, the highest amount given in any country.

Sound like vaccine overload?   Not according to the pharmaceutical giants who have a staggering 145 new vaccines in development and want to make them all mandatory (at an annual profit of billions).

cdc vaccinesched

 (DTaP, DT combo:  Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis)
(MMR combo:  Measles, mumps, and rubella)

This schedule can also be viewed online at the CDC website

Making An Educated Decision

We have a responsibility to our children to look into anything they are exposed to, whether it be eaten, played with, or injected.  Children are dependent on parents to make educated choices for them when they cannot do it themselves.  When it comes to vaccines, learn how to make the right decision for your child, the right questions to ask, and how to be smart about calculating the risk.  Also learn about potential adverse reactions that are possible from vaccines.


Learn more about vaccines